Bangladeshi Consulate in Vladivostok, Russia, , 16 Pochtovay Street , Vladivostok 690001, Russia
Sun, Sep 08, 21:24
13° C, Overcast clouds, Wind 5.15 m/s, 1016 hpa
Contact No. - (+7) (4232) 229 938
Fax - (+7) (4232) 229 938
Visa types granted by Bangladesh are;
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Bangladeshi Consulate in St. Petersburg, Russia
8,3 line, V.O.
St. Petersburg
(+7) (812) 328 5538
(+7) (812) 328 5516
Bangladeshi Embassy in Moscow, Russia
Zemledelchesky Pereulok 6
Moscow 119121
(+7) (499) 246 7804
(+7) (499) 766 4300
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